
  • Welcome to the big leagues: how to get faster, faster

    Welcome to the big leagues: how to get faster, faster

    This was originally posted on jleez.net on June 19, 2015. Someone on Facebook asked me where the post went, so I’m reposting this on one of my current blogs. It’s interesting to see how things changed over the past six years. In the time since I wrote this, Ido has continued to run National events,…

  • The Alcan 5000

    The Alcan 5000

    These are the Cliff Notes of my Alcan 5000 adventure in the Mustang. I wrote this for my work newsletter, so it’s written for a Ford audience, and it leaves out a lot of the smaller stories and adventures I had on this trip, but it gets to the heart of the fun and is…

  • For sale: 2003 Chevy Corvette Z06

    For sale: 2003 Chevy Corvette Z06

    This was originally posted on Craigslist. As you can imagine, it garnered a lot of responses from folks. I have added a postscript to this too.